The Upstate Conservative Coalition has put together a task force to help educate the taxpayers in our community and beyond on the perils of Unfunded State Mandates.
Unfunded Mandate Resources:
Governor Cuomo Establishes Team to Cut Unfunded Mandates Imposed on Local Governments and School Districts
"A historic coalition of eleven prominent business, local government and educational organizations launched a new, comprehensive initiative to advance significant mandate relief. The effort, Let New York Work: A Common Agenda for the Common Good, consists of six key measures that will provide relief from mandates faced by all New Yorkers."
A condensed version of state mandate restraint programs by state complete with State Constitutional Amenedment Article #'s , Statutory Section #'s and dates of enactment.
The Warren County Board of Supervisors provides this sheet to all the taxpayers in Warren County to inform them about how state and federal mandates affect their annual property tax bills. We need this to happen in every county of NY State.